Scope of Islamic Education in the USA

Scope of Islamic Education in the USA

Islam is not a new religion to the USA, since its modern colonization America has seen a significant emergence of Islam from the Middle East and India. More interestingly let us mention here that Islam is one of the fastest growing religions in the United States. So, it is important to know the scope of Islamic education in the US. Out of many contexts need for learning Islamic roots and core plethora, there are several aspects we will explore here that why it has become so crucial to grasp the idea of Islamic teachings and their sources likewise.

Why Islamic Education is Important?

Islam is based on principles, doctrines, and code of life defined by Allah (SWT) and reiterated by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Remember, Islam is the monotheist religion that is based on the worship of one and only God, whom they call ”Allah” specifically. Islam covers a huge human race, cultural diversity, and ages since its arrival some 1400 years back. That is why, Islamic Education represents a huge debate on Islamic trivia. In terms of the USA, Islamic studies and jurisdiction are prime paradigms that an explorer or researcher should dive into.

In the US scenario, let us delve into the facts and logic that why it is crucial to learn Islamic Education.

Diverse Muslim Community

The US welcomes all religions and races alike so does it Muslims from all over the world. The US hosts a big diaspora of Muslims from across the globe. So, a diverse Muslim population with multiple individuals from various Islamic cultural and ethnic backgrounds lives in the US. To understand and learn about their religious values Islamic education is a crucial matter of fact. It is also important in preserving American Muslim’s religious dignity, religious values, and moral practices while promoting a sense of unification within the American community.

Religious Freedom

The USA has maxim religious liberty, this good thing enables Muslims to practice their faith around the States. Islamic centers and education institutions provide a safe place for Muslim and non-Muslim students to learn about Islam without fear of discrimination or racism. Islam is the religion of oneness that emphasizes the unity of mankind regardless of creed, color, race, and community. It is the beauty of Islam that it assimilates all human races and colors together. This is the main theme of Islam for which Islamic Education needs to be studied.

Knowledge Sharing and Exploration

Islamic education paves the way to spread a common sense of Islamic knowledge. It is focal to learn Islam through prescribed Islamic books for the transmission of knowledge. For better understandability and learning flow, you must study Islamic books including the Quran, Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), Islamic Law (Sharia), Islamic jurisprudence (Fiqh), and more importantly Islamic history. Such learning and understandability not only help students develop a deeper insight into Islam but also prepare them to be part of Islamic forums to share views of Islam also enroll them in learning quran for beginners classes.

Geopolitical Sense For Prevalence

Luckily, the US is known to be an economic giant in the world. Many American companies are working around the world, especially in the Muslim regions. Like Saudi-American Oil Company (Aramco), Boeing, and many others are operating in Muslim countries. Therefore, it is one of the prime reasons for which one should learn Islam and Islamic education to work potentially more productively through mixing in Muslim-majority streamline.

That is why, universities in the US are teaching Islamic Study subjects as core courses for better job placement and productivity of the American multinational conglomerates.


Muslim populations share a big chunk of the American minority and world population. So, it is logically focal for Americans to explore Islam and Muslims through insights into Islamic Education. Moreover, Islamic education also empowers American-borns with knowledge and critical thinking to grasp the view of the religion. Learning Islam enables them to navigate the challenges of Islamophobia while exploring the innerness of religious principles.